Occupational Health & Safety
GARMCO continues to undertake a proactive role in ensuring the health and safety of all employees, contractors and visitors through stringent measures that are governed by GARMCO’s occupational health and safety policies that are aligned with ISO 45001:2018. The Company also complies with all relevant standards of the American Standards Association, Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA), Gulf Aluminium Council, and the Bahrain Safety Society..
The Company has a fully-equipped health centre that conducts regular medical check-ups for staff, as well as a fire station that organises fire drills and emergency evacuation exercises. Appropriate protective equipment is provided for access to areas where there could be a risk of injury or exposure to hazardous substances or conditions.
Health and safety rules and guidelines are continuously communicated to all staff, and related key performance indicators are monitored on a monthly basis, together with a review of employee feedback. Job safe practice training and preventive campaigns are conducted on a regular basis, covering health issues such as heat stress and water consumption; and safety issues such as accident prevention, and safe operating procedures for overhead cranes and forklifts.
GARMCO’s achievements in enhancing occupational health and safety of its employees was recognised by the Gulf Aluminium Council when it gave GARMCO the ‘Safest Companies in the GGC’ Award in 2016.